Trinity Underground


Trinity as in Dallas & as in 3.

Underground as in untold & under-represented.

The Ethos: Trinity Underground Studios is an entertainment media production company and distributor producing culturally relevant, as yet untold, stories.

The founders, in establishing this company, seek to acknowledge the media's historical reliance on racist systems in the production of mainstream media. Trinity Underground Studios intends to dismantle, disrupt, and decenter the suppression of some stories by focusing on global majority narratives, to reveal hidden truths within our society. The successful culmination of their efforts being the creation of social awareness and dialogue around significant historical and cultural events that deserve more space in the collective conscience.

The History: The founding partners of Trinity Underground worked within each other’s orbits for 20 years, without having worked together directly as a trio - quite a feat given the small size of the Dallas market!  When the perfect project to bring the 3 talents together revealed itself, Joey Cade jumped at the opportunity to unite the team to produce a ‘for good’ educational series.  During this successful initial collaboration, it became clear there was something special about the power of their combined experiences. Jalon with her line producing and assistant directing abilities, Amy with her post-production, editing, and animation chops, and Joey with her business development, marketing and executive producing background.  Together, they make the perfect 3-legged stool to form a creative studio, and they have the collective experience, wit, and moxie to bring fresh IP to life.  They soon found that they were aligned on ethos and goals, as well, and Trinity Underground Studios was born.
